Thursday, May 5, 2011

How long Before a Space Hotel?

With NASA's shuttle Program
coming to an end and commercial activity growing  Maybe Port Canaveral and Orlando can be pre and post stays just as Cruises!

As the space tourism race ramps up, how long will it be before this becomes mainstream?  The international Space Holiday Inn and Suites was buzzed today by the Virgin Galactic.  If you think hotel rates are high what do you think the rates up there will be?  As airlines continue to crack down on what you luggage weighs you don’t have to worry about that because up there it weighs nothing!  Of course I hope you like the look of a space suit because that’s what you’ll be wearing the whole trip.

The notion of an ordinary person taking a trip beyond Earth’s atmosphere is no longer the stuff of science fiction.  Several already have gone, and hundreds more have paid for trips that could begin as soon as next year.  Even as NASA’s shuttle program is drawing to a close – it’s next to last launch is scheduled for Friday, when the shuttle Endeavour is to begin a two-week mission to the International Space Station (soon to be a Homewood… maybe) – private companies are soliciting passengers for commercial trips to space. 

Ten years ago businessman Dennis Tito became the first private person to pay to fly in space on April 28, 2001, doling out $20 million to travel on the Soyuz, a Russian rocket, to the International Space Station.  Now space travel is beginning to mirror the airline industry, with its own travel agents, carriers and hubs.

Ok so if you use the same calculations to figure out the cost and also bringing down the cost of the flight due to others sharing the experience (approximately 12 others) you are looking at $1.6 million for a weeks vacation in the sky.  Don’t worry your meals are included in that… hope you like Tang. 

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